I’m actually talking about whatever here

April 11, 2016 § Leave a comment

Holy moly strawberry how fast does time run? It’s been two freaking years since the last time I wrote something in this blog? NO WAY! I really thought it was only a couple of months ago! *gasp*

Anyway, SO glad to have found thecoffeemate wrote something again here, omg! like.. finally! Haha.. I missed you! I always think that we have this weird kind of friendship, like I’ve said multiple times in multiple posts before, of how different we are. I wonder what will happen if we meet, just the two of us, now when so many things have changed. Will we be awkward? Can we still be having random conversation like we showed here in this blog? Which leads me to the question, when was the last time we really meet? Holy.. It’s been… LONG!

Things have changed a lot now since my last post. I’ve resigned from the previous company, because I didn’t feel it challenging enough, and I couldn’t contribute enough, and basically I just feel like I couldn’t use my full potential there. So glad I didn’t decide to just go with the flow and enjoy the constant routine, instead, I look for something else where I can grow better.

And grow I do (or at least I think I do, lol). So now I’m working here in a little start-up company, and guess what? Yes, it’s in Jogja again! HAHA! Apparently, I’m not much of a Jakarta kind of girl. I had to choose between this newly built startup company and a huge FMCG company in Jakarta, and look where I am now! LOL. Also, the said FMCG is apparently one of our happy clients, so yeah~

And this startup company, its business is around online research, who would’ve guessed I will ever be working in a company related to research? Well,  not me, not at all. And surprisingly, I enjoy working here, so freaking much, like seriously! This baby of a company (it’s only been in the business for around a year and a half, if I’m not wrong), it’s just so dear to me. I kinda feel like the aunty of this baby, because well, the mom is our CEO, right? In bahasa I would say it’s lagi lucu-lucunya I couldn’t leave it until it can walk and run on its own.

We’re only a small group of eight, but I guess that’s why we’re so close to each other, of course there are moments when someone’s annoying and I feel like punching them in the face but thankfully it doesn’t happen too often, and it’s actually over in like 10 seconds, lol.

Anyway, regarding thecoffeemate’s question in the previous post. Who cares if I write thing all about me, lol! I’m a selfish little biatch who loves myself more than anything, who knows if it’s wrong or right, this thought, but you know what they say… to know love you have love (or something along that line, or… I just made that up, haha). Because I am shallow, my thoughts are not always about humanity (can’t even say I understand it), I care about my own make up more often that thinking of the poor and the weak, and politics and stuff. So yeah, guess I am vain, and I don’t care haha…

I should sleep now because I’m such a cute baby girl (27 years old, yea). I hope we can write again, I just love walking down the memory lane and reread everything and be thankful for writing it, because that’s all I have in the years to come, memories!


pessimism in disguise

April 10, 2016 § Leave a comment

Hi, littetiara! Surprise, surprise.

Currently leaving my bahasaindonesia-tend-to-be-serious blog post, then end up being here. How’s life been treating you, tyr? Good? As years go by, my life in general has been very pleasant: so full of mistakes and simple twists here and there. Well, what is life if it is without a twist?

A dearest being told me, in a matter of perspective I haven’t changed so much from years ago. Then I noticed there are two kinds of closest person who kept me from writing: one who kills my imagination and fills my head with anger and disappointment, and one who thinks it’s not good enough. Alay, he said. Haha..damn.

Is there anyone or anything that capable of keeping you from writing, tyr? So, have you changed from that last post on October 2014?

I’m still a reporter, telling stories from an underrated news TV. But, regardless of the low ratings, I have been to a lot of places, thanks to this job I’m having. What interest you now, tyr?

I have covered a lot of stories from around the country, sad ones or inspiring ones. But I guess in this point I don’t cover for disaster or riot stories anymore, those days are over. Now, mostly I have to expose stories about white collar crime, particularly in corruption, money laundering, bribery, gratification, etc. There are these disastrous amounts of books, articles, or documents that I should comprehend before I could report this kind of news. Haha.. yea you know, what background of knowledge do I have to cover law enforcement actions thingy and those major cases anywayyyy. A lot of painful readings, confusing conversations, and nodding-my-head-in-enthusiasm-without-full-comprehension scenes. Hahahaha.. I’m sure you also know how it feels for having the need to accomplish things and petite acknowledgement.

But a huge part of me is still the old me. No matter how much I hate being called “alay”, I do still think mostly about myself. I was questioned (if it’s not a moderate challenge in disguise) about my self-infatuated perspective. “Why don’t you concern more about habitus?”, he said. Hahahaha. Fuck that. (and also fuck myself because I like that guy too much).

Do you remember habitus? That Pierre Bourdieu thingy about social structures, influences, social behaviors, bla bla bla, etc, which yea sure I don’t really understand of. But his point was, I have seen a lot of people from different background and extreme circumstances, yet when it comes to writing and deeper thought, every scene just always come to me: I tend to make everything is about me. It’s too individual and vividly egoistic with a glance of narcissism. He also said that the existentialism phase should be over by my age.

Well but then, why the hell not? If it’s not me who thinks dearly about me, then who? Him? The world is so miserable and no way would optimism in humanity and the vague power of collective consciousness ever be the remedy. I admit that this is pessimism in disguise. Besides, I have another justification. For witnessing form, reform, regulation, pattern, which then turn into or glazed by betrayal, propaganda, and horrendous interest, isn’t that just tiring? Is it so wrong if the concept of self-preoccupation is a consoling concept that might actually worked?

As an optimistic little biatch, what do you think, tyr? Should we (or maybe just I) drop those existent or non-existent thought?

Fuckkk. Hahahaha.. why so serious? How’s sex life? :p

holy shit i can remember the password!

October 16, 2014 § Leave a comment

So I wasn’t sure what or how or why I suddenly remember about the existence of this blog and felt this nagging feeling that I have to post something here. So I spent my night (er, okay.. about an hour) rereading the posts in this blog, tearing up and laughing at everything, and trying my darndest to remember my wordpress password. LYK SRSLY.

You won’t believe my surprise when I (finally) got the username and password right (LOL, I’m getting old). I miss writing, I miss thecoffeemate, I miss this blog, I miss everything!

And then I saw that holy crap the last time someone posted something here was TWO freaking years ago! How much have changed? How much stays the same?

Looking back, I honestly didn’t feel much has changed, but at the same time, I realized HEAPS have changed somehow, unexpectedly.

Let’s see.. biggest change? Hmmm… I’ve finished my study and right now am working in this fashion retail company. Not bad but I’m still looking for something bigger and more me. I am now better in doing make up, ohohoho~ my knowledge in this area expanded pretty quickly, other than that… hmm.. I have this cute little tiny crush on some pretty cute baby boo boy right here in the office, lolololol~ bad news is that I still haven’t found the courage to even stare at him in the eyes let alone have a conversation, thank you very much.

See, I haven’t changed that much. Still the same silly girl who dreams of romantic serenade and loving whatever girly and sparkling and glittery. Hehe~

the wanderer

August 29, 2012 § Leave a comment



1. To move about without a definite destination or purpose.
2. To go by an indirect route or at no set pace; amble: wander toward town.
3. To proceed in an irregular course; meander.
4. To go astray: wander from the path of righteousness.
5. To lose clarity or coherence of thought or expression.

I’ve always loved travelling, and I’ve been travelling a lot since babies. I kid you not, I moved around so much when I was a little kid. Only when I was in 4th grade of primary school I finally stayed in the city I’m still living in right now. The one and only, the lovely Yogyakarta.

During the time I moved around, never once I went without my parents. We always moved together. Which I believe pretty much the reason why I am a spoiled little princess, because I get what I want most of the time, because my parents are with me so I have to worry about nothing.

It was early this month that I finally went abroad for the first time, alone. I might bored the hell out of you already if you’re a follower of my personal blog. Yeah, I went to Korea for summer school and I loved it blah-blah-blah.

Fret not, I am not going to talk about it, at least that won’t be the vocal point.

I’ve always been in love with Yogya, and slowly it becomes my comfort zone. Everything is nice and cheap and friendly, and you can practically find everything you need here. Like I’ve said, I’ve moved a lot, so I know which city is nice and which is less nice.

Yogya is definitely one on the nice side.

But at one point, my consciousness told me it was my time to fly and slowly step out of the comfort zone. So I looked around randomly and found this summer school program, without thinking twice I joined.

I decided to just wander and maybe I hoped to find me.

Long story short, I went there, fell in love with the city and the rest is history.

To wander in a place I don’t know anything about, not even the languages they are talking in, it was quite an adventure. To roam through places I have no idea about, to find things I expected and didn’t expect, the surprises, the thrill excited me,a lot.

and that was when I found little piece of me, the wanderer.

Coming back and look around, I then realized how everyone is now everywhere. Chasing after their dreams or living, or both. Then I realized that I am not that young anymore, but that does’t mean the road shorten because I know for sure the adventure awaits, and there are more possibilities, and excitement maybe I never know existed.

Thecoffeemate is in Jakarta, I want to finish my thesis and live my dream in Seoul, our friend, Missnanette who graduated yesterday will join her in Jakarta too (and later planned to go to Seoul to continue her study), another friend works in another island, another friend works somewhere else, we are all wandering the world, trying to find whatever we need to find.

looking up at the definition of wandering, it is said to walk without destination. Such a scary thing to do, and there’s this huge possibility of getting lost. But really, how can you be lost when you have no destination? Maybe now we just don’t know yet what we want to find. For me, I’ll just find something along the way and keep wandering.

I am the wanderer.

Farewell and Its Recto verso

February 10, 2012 § 1 Comment


Black sugarless coffee on my side, Paloma Faith is on my play list; here I am giving my self a VERY late New Year gift: an updated blog! Ahahaha.. Oh and hi to you littletiara. *stupid grin* this will be some kind of follow up for your latest post from my point of view.

So it’s been two months  since the big farewell, goodbye to you the old life and dearest friends. I finally made it to get a job, my first job ever.

Here I am in front of another labyrinth entrance. One single step in, and I am willing to be lost. Lost in a nowhere land, caught up between exciting change and sour reality. Bittersweet of achievement and leaving the comfort zone; farewell and its rectoverso.

I have it fresh in my mind how I collected papers and arranged things for my graduation day. Moments when I always browsed the internet and stuffed my emails with job vacancy, subscribed newsletters. Graduation is one rempong moment with hundreds of documents, going here and there with my friend Mendho, realizing we’re NOT really a part of this university. Ahahaha.. So little we knew about campus’ places and bureaucracy! Yes, another unimportant thing that I put so much effort and attention to. Anyway anyhow… thank you guys who came to my graduation day and gave me a high five. *woot?

the graduation

But I think this year ender really is my time of the year. When I am busy bitching about the rempongness of graduation documents, I got a call for an interview from this TV channel I applied to. A very fast process, a week after the interview there were another call said that I got the job. Gosh it was all stuffed in a month! Super excited! So then I kept my self busy packed all my clothes and prepared my new oh-so-called-life, when a certain feeling sneaked in…………

This is it; finally I have to leave Jogja.

Seeing the empty wardrobe, heavy luggage, messy room, I felt my throat chocked a bit. Five years are indeed not a blink of eyes.

So many things to do, so many important people to meet, so little time left. It’s not that I’m gonna die soon or something, but I realize once I left the town, like littletiara said, everything will never be the same; even if later on I come back for a visit.

Once I can squeeze Jogja in the middle of prep with my family in Salatiga, I told myself: I have to see EVERYBODY!! After a mellow-dramatic scene with Andhut the waunglucu in my room, we went to Kalimilk to meet the girls; hi to you littletiara, Rian, Upi, and the-oh-so-coming-late nyetsiii……. :’(  I miss youuu all…. So here I thank y’all personally *besides, people say that New Year is the best time to somehow cheers the past*

After that I meet some friends in this coffee shop that has, again, memories. Fuck memories, I’m so trapped in it. Then in the morning, the hardest part of all, saying goodbye to my little sister and my old place in Jogja. Muncheee…I miss you so much. It is how people, places, environment, and the way of living really fill a hole in me, and then suddenly a farewell dug it all out.

But just like the printed paper with its front and back side, farewell also has its recto verso. In my latest farewell, on its front side, I realize there’s so many people have touched my life, so many people care about me when I only think about my self. So many people wave their hand, even give me a backrub when I only think about one particular ‘hand’ that didn’t want to hold mine back. There’s also another sweet part of farewell that I know I’m moving on with my life, no matter how deep life has wounded me. They say ‘farewell is only for the strong…’ Aymen to that!!

Then the back side, the dark side, the bitter, is the heavy concrete of memories and a slight of reluctance for stepping in the nowhere land, to be in the labyrinth entrance.

Let’s say we are all a big printing machine; we want to improve our ink quality so that we could print the best colored picture. But unfortunately, sometimes we have unwanted paper jams that get in our way, block the oh-so-prepared production. And in my case, that paper jams called feelings. These feelings that squeezed my heart so hard like it’s gonna pop.

The feelings of uncertainty, the encouragement to swing back to places I’ve known, the remorse of leaving something important I took for granted and suddenly my time’s up, and of course the need to seal the unfinished business.

I am trying so hard to remove these paper jams. I want to start fresh now, and later be improved, so this printing-machine-mind of mine can produce the best printed material. I want to say thank you guys for everything (you’re all a significant part of my life), while loosing the squeeze of unimportant feelings in my heart.

Live the life, people! *though still, I would be thankful for the death of mine*


*still do*

Here goes the ranting of my life

November 27, 2011 § 4 Comments

How long have we been friends? four years? five years? Ah.. so long time we’ve been together and I think I took it for granted. Guilty here.

I always love hanging out with my friends, with you girls, so when I realize that life is going to change, that things will never be the same again, I sulked and pouted and slumped in the dark corner of my imaginary room.

I’d say, I am in denial.

How fun is it to spend time with friends, to have one particular public enemy we ‘hate’ together, to gossip around, to share stories with. Not that everything has ended and those things won’t happen again, but…

I want, I really really want to have that superpower of stopping time. I want to have a chance to take a good look to my surroundings, noticing every details me and my friends had done together, taking notes of every life lesson we’ve got.

I think I need to buy a camera.

I always love looking at old pictures, despite the ugly face (hahahah!). Whoever invented the camera was a genius and I should thank them to no end. This magic little thing is like… what? A time machine? Yes, definitely. For every memories taken, for every stories hidden behind. There were smiles, and silly acts, and feelings, and… yeah, secrets.

Why is everyone running?

What’s the rush? Why is everyone’s walking so fast? Why are they in such hurry to leave the childish fun behind? Why are they so eager to leave the teenage drama? Aren’t they going to slow down somehow? And then I found myself running with them, dragged forcefully to leave the bright colored world to a place called ‘growing up phase’. I was always excited to know how this place looks like, but at times I found myself looking back to the place where sunshine shines a little bit too bright it’s almost blinding, and the colors are everywhere it’s making me dizzy.

I don’t want to leave it.

If I could I would turn back the time and stop to the time when I feel happiest, but I can’t really say when is that so maybe I’ll just wasting the stopped time, which is, ironically, a waste of time (although it’s stopped-what the heck am I talking about here? pfftt…). I wish I could return to the time I don’t really have to think about duty; but then I realize that there were never a time of that. Seriously, if I was given the ability to turn back the time I’ll just get a massive headache.

When thecoffeemate was graduated earlier this month, I knew things will be different, for whatever reason. The realization didn’t hit me like a thunder whatsoever, it creepes in slowly, in the middle of the night when my mind has nothing to think about, it sneakily stole my moments of silence, and slowly I realize it; everyone’s running.

Run! Run for your life, for the hell of it, RUN!

So here I am, running for the sake of myself, or something, I don’t know. Running to the unknown future that everyone seems so eager to come to. So while running, all sweaty and out of breath, I pray to God for the best for us.

Then He told me that I am the one responsible for my life, not Him.

“You know what’s one of the saddest sound in the world?
Children playing.
There is just something about sitting in your room with the windows open,
listening to their joys and laughter.
It’s like there is some sort of magic going on outside
that you can no longer join in on.
Something you can no longer grasp.
A secret club you can’t remember the password to.
And you realize that you’ve grown up.”

(via Krissyfied)

growing up is not a bad idea at all, torn in between what you want to be and what you have to be, is. And that’s where I am exactly :'(.

T(h)E(sis)AR ME UP!

November 1, 2011 § 2 Comments

image via weheartit.com

Hi. Um, what? Yea…I know… didn’t write here since forever. My thesis made me CRAZY. Not to exaggerate but it did tear me up into pieces. Did? Yes did, my lecture finally let me pass to the final exam. Oh and hi to you, my blog-fellow littletiara a.k.a @tiarawwr the little tiara that isn’t so little anymore. So so so sorry for the very long pause. Suddenly realize the unproductive writing when I got confused focusing on 200+ words article. :D

Now…..I will write you guys about how my thesis affects me, my whole life.

I was excited at first, and this ‘at first’ means two years ago. Maybe I should dig up my old files just to remember the excitement and um, the pain. Hahaha.. It was always about miscalculation and my being perfectionist-but-lazy-ass attitude that blocked me in the way. Yes, it is also right that I had one unbelievably high-standard lecturer, and some other things that I can not control; but still, I have to admit that I had my contribution to failure.

Technical things: wrong highlights, messy research methods, cloudy background theories, different perception of ‘literature theory’, etc. Those are crap. Honestly I was stuck in the middle of unimportant bureaucracy and crappy teaching standards. Once I was told ABC, then I was so ready facing ABC, but when the real thing came, it was actually XYZ plus feudal attitude. Shiznitz, that was unpredictable.



It was crazy. What was crazy? The PRESSURE. The first miserable year of thesis, I was still focused on high target, tried to finish my bachelor’s degree in 3.5 years. So the pressure was coming from my self. Yes, people were asking left and right but it was still okay. I was shocked by the reality that I was holding on the wrong thing. I know that I have to move backward and fix my mistakes, but my shitty attitude still run on the fast lane, tried to make it all finished no matter what. WRONG…

« Read the rest of this entry »

life update

May 20, 2011 § Leave a comment

Ya, ini mei 2011. Berapa lama sudah berlalu sejak terakhir saya post disini ya? Ah… Oktober 2010, kira-kira 7 bulan yang lalu.

Buat saya, 2010 itu tahun penuh kejutan, crazy roller coaster ride. Kalo dibandingkan dengan 2011, jelas 2010 lebih banyak adventurenya. Lebih gila, lebih… penuh makna.

Terakhir saya cerita tentang perjuangan cari tempat buat warung? Ah ya… singkat cerita, akhirnya dapet warung, buka, dan tutup dua minggu setelahnya. Kenapa? Ah… entah, saya lupa, atau lebih tepatnya tidak ingin mengingatnya.

Yang pasti, pelajarannya sudah diambil. Yang jelek, ya ditinggal aja di masa lalu.

Anyway, 2011 udah mulai.

Sejak terakhir saya posting disini…

  • nope, saya belom dapet pacar lagi.
  • yep, saya sudah move on.
  • yep, warung udah tutup
  • nope, say ga berenti berbisnis
  • yep, saya jualan artwork sebagai penghidupan
  • dan… yep, saya sekulah lagi.

Never have I thought before that I’d say this tapi… ya, saya ambil master, manajemen bisnis dan surprisingly, so far, saya menikmatinya.

Mungkin karna 2/3 dari isi kelas adalah pria tampan nan mapan?

Mungkin, sangat mungkin.

Mungkin karna adalah sangat menyenangkan kembali berada di tengah-tengah manusia dan bercengkrama. Sesuatu yang internet tak bisa gantikan dengan sempurna.

Ketika semua cowok yang saya liat sejauh mata memandang memakai dasi, kemeja rapi dan sepatu pantoefl… maka saya menyadari kalo saya berada di tempat yang sama sekali berbeda dengan tempat sebelumnya.

Not that I mind, saya sih suka-suka aja. Toh saya tetep make converse shoes biarpun atasnya make dress bunga-bunga.

Ah, pemilihan kata-kata saya mungkin agak ajaib? Ya.. harap maklum, udah lama vakum dari bab tulis menulis. Sebenernya saya bingung juga mau nulis tentang apa disini… yang penting sebelum saya lupa, sebelum kereta berlalu melewati pemandangan menyenangkan kali ini, memorinya sudah saya catat baik-baik.

Kesimpulannya? Postingan ini nggak penting, tapi penting. Maka dear Ms. Temennyakopi, ayo update blog ini lagi, pick your shattered life pieces up and fill this blog with stories, thoughts or anything :D

no pain no gain (pt. 2)

October 28, 2010 § Leave a comment

Dengan terenggutnya pelataran indomaret beresta imajinasi kami tentangnya, maka saya dan Badak terpaksa cari lahan lagi. Untungnya emang udah ada beberapa lahan lain yang kita incer sih… tapi ternyata, beberapa hari mengunjungi lahan-lahan tersebut satu per satu, semuanya tertolak.

Bukannya berlebihan sih, cuman sungguh, belom pernah saya ditolak sebanyak itu dalam waktu 3 hari aja, dan yang keren adalah kami tetap berusaha, we refuse to give up.

Ga bisa dihindari, perjuangan yang semacam sia-sia itu bener2 bikin capek, capek secapek2nya… sampe suatu hari both aku dan sodaraku si Badak merasa betul2 lelah mental, semacam udah sampe di titik rendah yang mungkin belum terendah tapi ya… rendah…

akhirnya hari minggu (24 oktober 2010) kita memutuskan untuk libur, nggak kerja, nggak nyari tanah, nggak ngapa2in… tapi ternyata, yang namanya tanggung jawab itu tetep menghantui, biarpun udah sepakat ga kerja, otak tetep aja ga bisa diajak kompromi. Masih kepikir terus menerus berputar-putar di otak yang sebenernya udah jengah.

Hari senen (25 oktober 2010) kita mendeklarasikan, pokoknya, entah gimana caranya hari itu harus nemu tempat! Maka kita muter jogja (lagi, untuk yang kesekian kalinya) dari pagi sampe sore. Lambat2, ngabisin bensin, tiap ada bangunan kosong (dengan atau tanpa tulisan DIKONTRAKKAN di depannya) kita hampiri dan tanya harganya.

Di akhir hari, dapet beberapa kandidat… ada sepetak lahan di depan Galeria milik Ibu Dewi yang ternyata untuk setiap 5×5 meternya (tanpa bangunan) berharga 3 juta per bulan, yang berarti 36 juta per tahun. Ada lagi sebuah bangunan di Jakal yang harganya bikin pingsan, 70 juta, ya… di pinggir jalan Kaliurang gitu sih… tapi tetep aja… :| dan beberapa lahan lain yang sekarang saya udah lupa dimana aja…

Waktu lewat selokan daerah seturan, kita ngelewatin Nikou Ramen yang biasanya rame segila-gilanya umat dan hari itu sepi mlempem, setelah diperhatikan lebih dekat… Oh! Ternyata dia tutup! (lol) dan di atasnya ada tulisan “MULAI TANGGAL 1 NOVEMBER 2010 NIKOI RAMEN PINDAH KE…” waw! langsung saja saya dan saudara Badak bergerak cepat menyeberang dan bertanya sama mas2 yang lagi beres2 tu bangunan (yang ternyata udah kosong melumping kayak kuda)

Secepat kilat (lebay, tentu saja) saya dan Badak cari informasi; siapa yang punya, berapa harganya dll dll… ternyata yang punya adalah Pak Putut, pemilik PSan sebelah, langsung deh kita tanya2 nomernya si mister perkutut ini… ohohoho…

ceritanya bersambung disini dulu ya saudara2… perjuangan masih panjang, tapi yang pasti saya harap ini semua worth the pain :) karna saya percaya nggak akan ada yang sia2…

ps. Hahaha… ini cerita saya edit… bukan apa2, saya lupa ngasih judul, itu saja… haha… lol… #merasabodoh

no pain no gain (pt.1)

October 27, 2010 § Leave a comment

Biar nggak lupa aja, biar aku di masa depan (dan ya… para pembaca blog ini deh) punya cerita buat diinget dan diambil pelajaran darinya (duh, bahasa indonesiaku…)

Masa ini (oktober 2010), Tiara lagi heboh cari tempat buat bangun warung mpek2 panggang kecil2an… sedikit tentang pempek panggang, itu makanan penuh memori, terutama buat orang2 lulusan SD di sumatra bagian selatan (entah cakupannya sampe mana, yang pasti bisa ditemukan di SD-SD di Bengkulu, Palembang dan Lampung). Sambil berharap manusia-manusia penghuni pulau jawa juga bakal tertarik dengan jajanan lucu ini… :D

postingan ini tentang kami dan indomaret aja ya? Part 1 dari perjuangan panjang mencari lahan… Jadi setelah keliling jogja (lebay, padahal cuman keliling jakal-gejayan-seturan-demangan) kita nemu lokasi di indomaret yang menurut kami cukup menarik, setelah tanya sana sini sama orang-orang di indomaretnya kita disuruh menghubungi pak Ismail.

Besoknya, kita udah janjian sama si mail ini, penanggungjawab sewa teras indomaret di jogja. Kita dikasih formulir, kita diminta bikin layoutnya, biar dia tau kita mau bikin tempat kayak apa, secara kita agak beda dari sewa teras biasa.

akhirnya saya hubungi temen saya yang arsitek, tapi karena ngejer waktu (biar cepet beres gitu) jadi abis dari kantornya indomaret nemuin mas ismail saya langsung ke indomaret demangan baru, yaa.. ngukur2 gitu… cuman ya jelas, kita ga bawa meteran ato apapun… dan begitu ketemu mas arsitek, ternyata dia ga suka hal ini, kira2.. dia mau semuanya pasti, oke, kami salah disini… tapi mas arsitek tetep dengan baik hati ngebantu kita mbikin layoutnya…

Besoknya, kita telpon mas Ismail lagi, ternyata dia mau ke luar kota dan baru bisa ketemu kita hari senen (25 Oktober 2010), kita pun memutuskan untuk ke indomaretnya, berbekal meteran dan teman2 untuk memenuhi permintaan mas arsitek yang sudah dengan baiknya buang2 waktu mbikin layout tanpa ukuran yang jelas.

dan yaaakkkk… begitu sampe sana… ta-daaa… sudah berdiri sebuah stand/booth/apapun di lokasi yang kami perjuangkan WTF? pertamanya kami berharap itu booth/panggung/stand/whatever cuman temporary, ada promosi apa kek.. pameran apa kek… tapi ternyata oh ternyata… well… dengan kata lain… tanpa undangan, tanpa suratan, tanpa apapun… tempat yang kami idam-idamkan, yang udah diperjuangkan pembuatan layoutnya, yang udah kami andai2kan futurenya…

direbut orang.

(bersambung dulu ya sodara2… hihihi…)